Thursday 4 February 2016

Raw Forest Honey vs Antibiotics

Raw Honey Beats Antibiotics – Yes Please!

Bee hives in our forest
Ottawa University researchers found that certain types of honey kill bacteria that cause sinus infections, in most cases better than antibiotics.
The researchers have tested raw Manuka forest honey from New Zealand, and raw Sidr forest honey from Yemen. The two killed all floating bacteria in liquid, and 63-91 percent of biofilms — microorganisms that sometimes form a protective layer in sinus cavities, urinary tracts, catheters and heart valves, protecting bacteria from normal drug treatments and often leading to chronic infections. I have often recommended raw honey to help kill off Helicobacter pylori, the bacteria responsible for stomach ulcers.
The most effective antibiotic, rifampin, killed just 18 percent of the biofilm samples in the tests.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

New Action 2016

Gourmet wild forest Honey
From Your Own Personal Beehive.

We have a site of wild forest in protection zone where we place the bees. It is double advantage and to environment and people. Bees have positive impact on the environment and people have benefit for health from organic wild forest honey.
Our chemical-free beehives are placed to remote sites around Ottawa to gather the best nectar from isolated native forests, far away from any sources of pollution.

This is honey with a story. It's not just buying a health food – it's being connected to the source and knowing that the food you consume is good not just for you, but also for the planet.

We suggest you to take part in this action, help yourself and the nature.

We offer you the chance to join the handful of connoisseurs who will reap the delicious rewards of a personal hive. Your bees will collect for you really Natural Active Wild Forest Honey.
Each Your Pure Honey has its own unique flavor; you will get a rich, healthy honey.

You can sign up for this season anytime between now and 15 May.
The number of hives that we can be personally devoted to is very limited.

What You Get:

Your Own Hive

For a whole year, from now till October 2016 you'll be the owner of your very own beehive. You get all the benefits - honey. We do the sweaty work and get all the bee stings.

You get the Organic active Wild Forest Honey of Ontario.

Option One: A Full Hive Partnership

You'll own the whole beehive, and you'll get the full 10 jars of Wild Forest Honey. That's 10 jars of 1000 gm.

Sign Up Price for Full Hive Partnership:
CAD $ 200.00

If the full beehive is too much, we also offer a partial option.

Option Two: A Part Share Beehive Partnership

This is a more affordable option.

You'll own a share of the beehive, and you'll get 5 jars of Wild Forest Honey. That's 5 jars of 1000 gm.

Sign Up Price for Part Share Beehive Partnership:
CAD $ 100.00

If your needs don't exactly fit the above two options, we're happy to help with customizing for you. Talk to us about a partnership size to suit you.

We would like to remind you that 4 kg of honey - minimum for adults and 2 kg for child should be used for a whole year with benefits for your health!

Depending on the weather, we are planning start to collect the honey in June.
Your honey will be extracted and without filter will be put into glass jars.
You should be receiving all your honey by the end of October 2016.

Our Guarantee

We'll immediately send you an ownership certificate.
In a case of unexpected circumstances your money will be returned.
We'll work to make you happy and healthy. :)